The powerful benefits of group coaching 

Benefits of group coaching and peer coaching

Working with a coach can be a powerful tool to enable your personal development and growth. Coaching has been proven to have a powerful and positive impact on an individual’s self-confidence, well-being and career performance.

Of its many benefits, the most common one cited is increased self-confidence. In fact, 80% of people who received business coaching reported an increase in their levels of confidence. According to the Institute of Coaching, over 70% of individuals cite enhanced work performance and improved relationships and communication skills as a result of coaching.

What is group coaching?

One popular approach to coaching is called group (or peer) coaching–where a group of people with a shared interest, purpose or focus of development are brought through a coaching programme, usually designed around one specific topic. At Uncommon, we match our community of members to a “Core” group–a personal advisory board based on their goals, life stage and career plans. 

Each of these groups (comprising around 8 individuals) meets frequently to define their goals and delve into various real-world situations they might be facing both personally and professionally. These groups are facilitated and led by an Executive Coach, who takes them through a coaching session. Together, they deal with topical issues including how to be persuasive at work, mastering negotiation and being an effective decision-maker.

How does coaching work?

Effective, expert coaching empowers the coachee to find their own answers within themselves–rather than rely on external sources.  In our facilitated group coaching sessions, our coaches encourage the coachee to set their goals and define their own ideas of success.  It is the coachee, not the coach, who sets the goals and determines what their personal playbook of success looks like. Through their training and expertise, a coach is able to see the coachee holistically and encourage them to bring their full self to coaching sessions.

The support that group coaching offers is invaluable: members offer one another useful thoughts and perspectives, potential solutions, or even encouragement. This can help make each coachee feel more supported and connected during their coaching sessions–even more so than private, one-on-one coaching.

“Effective, expert coaching empowers the coachee to find their own answers within themselves–rather than rely on external sources.  In our facilitated group coaching sessions, our coaches encourage the coachee to set their goals and define their own ideas of success.”

What are the benefits of group coaching?

The benefits of coaching are manifold. Coaching (both group and individual) has been proven to have a powerful, positive impact on self-confidence, well-being and work performance. However, there are some advantages that are unique to group coaching:

1. Sense of community. Group coaching allows people to immerse themselves in a community of people at a similar life stage or place in their careers. Together, they are able to share their experiences with peers and learn how others have overcome similar situations, which helps enrich their own perspectives. This belonging provides validation and an invaluable sense of support and community as members embark on their individual journeys of self-discovery. 

2. A shared learning experience. At the core of group coaching is the shared learning experience. In group coaching, members progress through the coaching sessions together as a unit. What this means is that each member is able to witness the development and growth of their fellow peers, leading to a valuable support system through the group coaching program. Group coaching also provides a space where members can connect over shared challenges.

3. Robust accountability. This shared learning environment can also foster greater accountability for coachees. As members connect within their coaching groups and get to know one another, they’re able to not only track each other’s progress but also hold one another accountable.  

4. Exposure to ideas and perspectives. Being able to connect with more people during coaching sessions means that you can gain exposure to new ideas. Not only can this illuminate new perspectives for you, but it can also shed light on a similar issue you’re encountering or challenge some of your existing assumptions.

5. Individual goals, personal progress. Much like individual coaching, the coach’s role in a group coaching session is to encourage their coachees through a thought-provoking process focused on self-enquiry and exploration. While the shared learning environment is a key pillar of group coaching, it doesn’t mean every individual is working towards the same goal. Although a coaching session may focus on one specific topic (e.g. Persuasion), every member would be working towards different results aligned to their own needs.

Is group coaching for you?

The benefits of coaching extend into both your personal and professional spheres; as a leader, developing your toolkit pays dividends for your individual progression, your organization and also your personal life. On an individual level, coaching helps individuals improve their self-confidence, relationships, communication skills, interpersonal skills, and work performance. On a business level, of the companies that measured the ROI of coaching, 72% reported an increase in productivity.

However, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to coaching; the decision to participate in coaching is after all a personal one. Group coaching can complement 1:1 coaching, or even give you a helpful taster of what individual, private coaching can do for you. At Uncommon, members can also explore one-on-one coaching, in addition to their peer coaching sessions. Ultimately, whichever approach you choose, the personal insights and development you glean from coaching are indispensable in accelerating your growth. 

About Uncommon

Connect, learn, and grow at Uncommon, Asia's first private network for female leaders. We select established, high-potential leaders across industries and equip them with the tools to succeed: a personal advisory board, top-level executive coaching, and access to a network of subject matter experts. Apply for our next cohort here


Uncommon member spotlight: Wendy Wong


Uncommon member spotlight: Milda Ratkelyte